Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More Holiday Musings

Well, I had the day off again today so spent it at home with the dogs doing some cooking and organizing and just hanging out. Nothing major to report just trivial stuff.

1. I'm so used to Gata being big compared to all the other Tervs that we used to hang around that it seems really strange that she now seems small compared to Tor. She is definitely quite significantly shorter than him. I guess I've become home to "big" Tervs that are still as fast and athletic as any of the pocket rockets so popular these days  :-)

2. Tor is the noisiest dog I have ever known. He definitely likes the sound of his own voice and is more than happy to lodge a complaint if he thinks I am giving Gata too much attention. But, even aside from that, he is just a noisy dog. He "talks" in his sleep and in his dreams, he sighs/moans when he changes position while sleeping ...   He's just noisy, not in a bad way, just kind of a goofy Tor thing :-)

3. Gata is definitely showing signs of her old injury and all the time off. It doesn't help that she likes to rough house with Tor but inevitably comes out on the short end of the stick. I think getting her back to her former level of fitness is going to be a challenge but one that I am committed to.

4. Took both dogs out with the bike today. Gata has the movement to really enjoy this kind of exercise and took to it like a fish to water for the most part. We went around the block 2x, ~1.5 miles, and she seemed a little sore on her right hind at the end. So we'll just play it by ear and see how it goes. Tor did fine. He was comfortable enough to start looking around. There was much more going on in the neighborhood today so a little more challenging all the way around. He doesn't move like Gata and is as likely to run/lope along as trot. So when he got the looky lous I just sped up a bit and made him work a little harder. We passed  quite a few dogs, which is a little challenging for him since he really wants to check them out. But I sped up a little and gave him plenty of verbal  feedback (both positive and negative) and he did fine.

5. I have to admit, the idea of biking with the 2 of them together, seems absolutely crazy at this point. I can only imagine how fast and powerfully they could move the bike if they really got going forward and worked together. That might be fun in a sled over snowy fields, but scares the crap out of me in the context of neighborhood streets.

I think that is about it for the time being. I'll try to post about the Clothier Workshop sometime later in the week.

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