Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thankful for Many Things - Including My Hearing

Took the dogs to the park last night to do some interval conditioning work. I had given them the morning off since they did so much on Sunday. But thought they might like to blow off a little steam in the evening.

Objective: 4 sets of 4
Achieved: 2 @ 5
Ground: Frozen with slight softening on top
Temp: Forgot to check

Got there and started our first set and some folks showed up with their dogs. I wasn't too worried - big field and my dogs won't go out of their way to bother other dogs when they are working. So I just moved a little farther upfield and tried for tighter throws. But they just hunt out with their 2 dogs with lights hanging off their collars. It was dark so I couldn't tell anything more than that. I was getting a little uncomfortable 'cuz I couldn't tell what they wanted or were going to do. So I did a set of 5 and took a break. I figured if they started working their dogs or coming farther my way, I'd just call it a night. They just hung out and didn't seem to do anything in particular. So I did a 2nd set of 5. Both dogs were pretty tired after that, so I decided that was probably about enough for the day.

Anyway, up early this morning. Each dog got a run beside the bike. Tor did his regular 1.5 miles though he seemed a little tired. He actually trotted about 25% of it today - very unusual for him. Gata did her regular 1.25 miles and seemed quite happy to go - ran about half of it.

Riding along with Gata and suddenly realizee she is no longer attached to the bike. Apparently, our little spill with Tor the other night damaged the clip and it basically fell apart while working Gata. Thankfully, it held together through Tor's run this morning. I tried to jimmy it to Gata but it didn't really work. So she basically just ran beside me for most of her outing this morning. She was on a slip lead but could easily have gone pretty much anywhere if she wanted to. Thank goodness she is such a cooperative girl :-)

I am really good about all of our safety gear and don't know how anybody could be out and not see us. However, this morning, at the first stop sign with Tor, when he is really raring to go, a car came blasting through the intersection without stopping. If I had been paying less attention and had decided to go since we were waiting at the Stop sign first, we probably would have been killed. But I heard the car coming and thought it was going too fast so I held Tor back. Thank goodness I did. Honestly, we would have been dead.

Today is a good day to consider all that I have to be thankful for :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a close call! I hate walking the dogs in the dark during the morning or afternoon commutes. I find people are too distracted or in too much of a hurry to actually drive safely.

    Glad you are both ok and were not injured.
