Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gata - Vet Investigation #1

Mother Nature played with us a little today. I'm not sure whether or not it was for the best. It was cool and rainy. The video didn't turn out at all - think I went from StandBy to Off instead of Record. But Gata did have a mild collapse while working and I was able to record her temperature at various points along the way.

Pre-exercise: 101.5
~5 minutes: 105.0
~8 minutes: 105.9
~12 minutes (mild collapse): 106.3
~20 minutes (~8 minutes of recovery): 105.8
~40 minutes (~28 minutes of recovery): 103.8

I'm not exactly sure that it is the most accurate thermometer but you can definitely see the change from baseline and how rapidly her temperature goes up.

All of her blood work today looked normal. She had an Ehrlichia test again, pre and post exercise Glucose and Electrolytes, CBC and Chemistry.  Not all of the results are back yet but so far everything looks absolutely fine except for her temperature.

Next steps:
1. Try to get a good recording of a collapse incident with her (will try on Saturday, not supposed to be raining and the clinic is open if things go bad)
2. Do Cardiac Imaging and potentially a cardiac ultrasound and ECG. Currently scheduled for next Thursday.

The vet is thinking everything else is going to come back normal. Trying to brainstorm on what might cause thermo-dysregulation. Potential candidates so far - strange auto-immune (Thyroid/Cortisol) defects?? Tick-borne disease since I distinctly remember pulling a huge tick off after picking her up from a friend that she stayed with for a few weeks when she was about 9 months old when my Dad had a heart attack.

If nothing else shows up we will submit blood and tissue for the EIC tests (and probably for the BCC project, too) and see if that shows anything. Time will tell. And time to go to work!


  1. Interesting re temp. I'll try to measure Wings and Soja's temps for comparison. You're doing rectal? --derede

  2. I would love that information. It would be so helpful for comparison purposes all the way around. I am going to be working with Tor so I can start monitoring his temp, too. And, yes, it is rectal.
