Wednesday, January 26, 2011

More Socialization Needed ...

Tor really is quite a twirp.  He can be so charming and turn around and be a complete and total punk a heartbeat later.  But, I guess that's why puppies are so cute :-)

Before I forget, his right front pastern seems fine again.  I can't say for sure that it was Panno but suspect that it may have been.  He is just growing like a weed and is all legs.

We went for a nice long walk this afternoon rather than working.  So both dogs had a bit of an excess of energy.  Had them both on front pull harnesses and flexis - probably my first mistake was taking them together.  Everything was going well.  But it became clear about 1/3 of the way into our walk that Tor's ridiculously high prey drive is creating some confusion for him.  He is happy to see people now but seems to think that men are bite objects, probably because most of the men that he gets to meet end up playing tug with him.  He didn't bite anyone and it was clearly an attempt to initiate play but I'm not sure that the guys that he jumped at would have thought it was much fun.  So time to spend more time on that stuff again.

He also really wants to chase bikes/bicyclists.  It didn't help that we were over by Google and most of the bikes over there have colored inserts in their wheels that really catch the eye.

So, I guess we will be going out in public more and making a particular effort about socialization again.  Funny how that has changed.  He used to be just a little edgy around people in a very different way.  Now he is quite happy and confident and that creates another problem.  I guess I will have to do this without Gata along.  Need to really pay attention to him during this work.

Gata's pad is still quite sore and she licks at it quite a bit.  It's definitely getting better but this one was pretty bad.  A friend of mine is going to loan me a pair of "skid boots" to try on her.  We'll see if she'll wear them.  If she will, I think they might really help her heal up and potentially even prevent more injuries like that.

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