I have to revise my last post. Tor is not yet faster than Gata. He is, however, quicker than Gata, has better endurance than her, and is infinitely more obnoxious than she is ;-) He did not BEAT her to the ball the other day. He STOLE it from her on the last 2 throws when she was getting tired (she has a tendency to overheat a little and will lay down with the ball when she is getting hot/tired). Gata made it very clear the following morning when I could see better that she is still fast enough and quick enough to outrun him. In fact, I think she took a certain amount of joy (and maybe pride) in schooling him a little as she played keep away with the ball. He did his absolute best to catch her and steal the ball but he was just not up to the task. I could tell from the look on Gata's face and the position of her head and neck that he was not going to get the ball from her that day. I had a hard time getting the ball from her when she brought it back to me. Silly girl :-)
Tor is, however, now as tall as Gata and maybe even taller in places :-) He's not exactly growing at the same rate in all areas ;-) I simply can't believe how tall he is at just barely over 6 months. I am afraid he is going to get quite big. I hope I'm wrong and that he stops growing soon, but I swear I can almost see him grow before my very eyes.
Training has been a little limited the last 2 days due to long days at work. Lots of ball retrieves and quite a few position changes for each of them. Tor is starting to get the idea about working for the ball. That will be really good for him. Maybe I will finally be able to exhaust him physically :-) Somehow, I doubt it.
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