Friday, January 14, 2011

A New Game to Build Needed Skills

I have been trying out a new game with the pups the last couple of mornings.  Plus it saves me a little time in the mornings, which is a REALLY nice added bonus.  The game goes like this

1. Take both dogs to the park with me at the same time, has to be a safe park but most of them are at that time of the day.
2. Take along a Chuck It and ball and a tab and a light weight ~3 or 4-foot leash.
3. Put the tab on Gata and the leash on Tor.
4. Make them take turns when I throw the ball.
5. I signify which is to run by saying "Gata, get it" or "Tor, get it" as I throw it.

First of all, it is safer for both of them.  There was way too much bump and run stuff going on if I let the two of them chase balls together.  Secondly, it makes both of them work on their self control and impulse control.  Tor needs this much more than Gata, but Gata doesn't like watching another dog run for the ball much either.  I hope that I will eventually be able to take them both to the park and throw the ball for them while they are off leash and direct which of them is to chase the ball.  It's a lofty goal given how ball crazy these two are, but definitely worth the effort.  Plus, I think they will both learn some necessary skills in the process even if we never quite get to the goal.


  1. Does this work? We have too much snow yet for me to try it but I am interested in hearing about your results.

  2. I am liking the results. Gata definitely has got it down and I really like the way she is focusing on me and turning to her work as soon as I throw the ball. Tor is getting better but self control remains a long-term goal for him ;-) He can't yet chase a different ball in the other direction and bring it back to me but he can play tug pretty well. Treats have no value in this context for now. But he's only 7 months so he has time to improve.
