Which dog??? ... Tor - an absolute freak of nature :-) He has done a couple of things in the last couple of days that absolutely boggle my mind!
Incident #1: I've been working a little on exposing him to different surfaces and having him jump up on things because he didn't seem to want to and I wasn't sure if it was because he thought he shouldn't or because he had a thing about surfaces. So have been having him get on and off things wherever we go. So I was out at MPSC on Thursday evening playing with the dogs. Decided to see how Tor felt about getting on the picnic table that we had done a few days earlier. I know it is impossible but I swear that he "levitated" onto it and off of it with barely a twitch of a muscle. I was so shocked the first time that I had him do it 3 or 4 more times and he did it exactly the same way! I have never before seen a dog jump like that. Next time I go out there I am taking the video camera to try to record it. Really freaky! I don't know that it will mean anything with respect to any of the training or competition type stuff that he will be doing but it sure was cool.
Incident #2: Gave the dogs a light morning since we were at club late last night and both worked really well. Took each out at the park individually and played around with high reward schedule for a ball. Tor has to work a little harder to get the ball than Gata does just to build that understanding in him. Gata knows the game extremely well. Just doing little stuff with Tor - starting to make him find "heel" position or something approximating it, stuff like that. Anyway, he comes flying back with the ball and stops about 6 feet from me to go poop. He dropped the ball and went about his business. I stepped over and picked up the ball and he stopped pooping, mid stream, poop hanging, to get ready to work. What kind of dog does that??? I had to give the ball back to him before he would finish going to the bathroom. And, to think that his tug drive is even higher than his ball drive!
OMG ... what have I gotten myself into?? Truthfully though, he is one cool dog. I'm sure that the day will come when I will wish that he had a little less drive or self-confidence or ... But until then, I am having one heck of a good time with this puppy :-)
Definitely catch this on video if you can! Put on cue! Must be some great Harry Potter-esque command you could attach. "Levitamus...."